1) Who gets worried? a) Just me b) Only kids c) Only adults d) Everyone 2) Worry, stress, and anxiety are feelings. It is okay to feel this way. a) True b) False 3) Too much worry can be a not so good thing. Why might too much worry be bad? a) Too much worry can stop you from reaching your goals b) Too much worry can make you feel like you have no control c) Too much worry can make your body feel uncomfortable d) All of the above 4) Choose something positive you can say to yourself if your worried thought is, "You're so bad at this." a) I will never get any better at this. b) No matter how much I try, they will always be better at it than I am. c) I will keep trying. d) I give up. 5) Sometimes, worry is a good thing! Why might worry be good? a) Worry can help you get things done. b) Worrying can help you be careful. c) Feeling a little worried can help you learn. d) All of the above 6) When we are worried, stressed, or anxious there is nothing we can do to help control these feelings. a) True b) False 7) Which is an example of worry or stress trying to trick your thinking? a) I think to myself, "I can do this." b) I think to myself, "I just can't do math." c) "I think to myself, "If I practice, I'll get better at it." d) I think to myself, "I am great at so many things." 8) Deep breathing makes our hearts beat faster and our bodies feel more anxious. a) True b) False 9) I am in control of a) what I think b) what my dad says c) what my friend thinks d) what my mom does 10) When something is out of my control, I can still practice ways to help me calm down. a) True b) False 11) Getting our bodies moving is a strategy to help get out those nervous feelings. Which is an exampel of getting your body moving? a) Wall push-ups b) Self-hugs c) Dance it out d) All of the above 12) What is a worry holder? a) Something to tell your feelings to b) A place to put our worries and stress c) Something that can help us feel more in control of our feelings d) All of the above 13) Being grateful, or thankful, for things that worry us can help the worry feel not as scary. a) True b) False 14) You are awesome! a) True b) False

Worry Monsters Quiz Show

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