If you had a ridiculous amount of money, what unnecessary thing or experience would you indulge in? , What topic do you know a lot of random trivia about?, What is your favorite movie and how many times have you seen it?, You can only eat one food again for the rest of your life. What is it?, what was your favorite show as a kid?, what is your favorite holiday tradition?, What was the worst style or fashion trend you ever embraced?, What food will you never eat?, What is the strangest food you have tried?, If you could have any super human power, what would it be?, If you could be in the Guinness book of world records, what record-breaking feat would you attempt?, What was the worst purchase you ever made?, What did you get in the MOST trouble for when you were a kid?, What is one thing you've done that terrified you at the time?, Would you rather win an Olympic medal or a Nobel prize?, If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?, If you could choose any two famous people to have dinner with who would they be?, If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why?, If you could have the power of teleportation right now, where would you go and why?, If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?, If I visited your hometown, what local spots would you suggest I see?, You can have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what is it?.
ELT Meet & Greet 10/27/2021
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