Major 2nd - G goes up to A is?, Minor 3rd - C goes down to A is?, Perfect 4th - D goes up to G is?, Augmented 3rd - D-sharp goes down to B-flat, Diminished 4th - E goes up to A-flat, Major 3rd - B goes up to D-sharp, Diminished 3rd - G-sharp goes up to B-flat, Augmented 4th - F-sharp goes down to C, Perfect 5th - A-flat goes up to E-flat, Perfect octave/8th - F goes up to F, Minor 2nd - G-sharp goes up to A, Minor 6th - E-flat goes down to G, Major 7th - G goes up to F-sharp, Minor 7th - F goes up to E-flat, Augmented 8th - E goes up to E-sharp,

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