Builders at Chaco and Hohokam sites laid courses of cut stone (of varying heights) in mud mortar. ____ is the cement that binds Individual building blocks into a strong, load-bearing unit. ____ is a straightforward compression system of building. Building Elements, such as brick or stone, are stacked & piled one atop another to raise a load-bearing Wall. Ancient inca builders created awe-Inspiring ____ with megalithic pillow-like stones. At this fortress above the city of Cuzco, Peru, Courses of stones were laid without ____. This construction technique is called ____ ____ is a Neolithic ruin on the ____ in Great Britain. It consisted originally of a great outer circle of sarsens (huge multi-ton stones) of ____ construction, 2 inner rings of smaller blue stones, and a U-shaped configuration of trilithons. The vertical supports of the outer sarsen circle were placed very close together to avoid breakage of the ____; they are no more than ____ apart.

Post and lintel and Load bearing construction


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