True: It's illegal to chew gum in Singapore. , It's illegal to feed the pigeons in Venice , In Arizona, it's illegal to have a sleeping donkey in your bathtub after 7PM, In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and ask to use the bathroom, you must let them in. , In Switzerland, it's illegal to keep only one pet if it is a social animal. , In the UK, it's illegal to hold a salmon under a suspicious circumstance. , In Georgia, it's illegal for chicken to cross the road. , False: In the UK, every adult is required to practice archery for at least 3 hours every Sunday. , In China, you are not allowed to have more than 1 children. , In Turkey, it's illegal to wear a fez , In New York, it's illegal for cheese pizza slice to cost more than $1. , In New York, you can bring your dog on to the subway without a carrier. ,
True or False? Strange Laws
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