ASAP - As Soon As Possible, FYI - For Your Information, FYA - For Your Attention, FYR - For Your Reference, LMK - Let Me Know, CarbonCopy - CC, Bcc - Blind Carbon Copy, Forward - FW/FWD, Reply - RE, EOM - End Of Message, NRN - No Reply Necessary, ReplyRequested - RR, YesOrNo - Y/S, UDA - Urgent Document Attached, ATTN - Attention, Action Required - AR, TBA - To Be Announced, TBD - To Be Determined, SFW - Safe For Work, IAM - In A Meeting, MIA - Missing In Action, LET - Leaving Early Today, OoO - Out of Office, YTD - Year To Date, ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival,

27 Most Common Email Acronyms

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