Extended Family - Large closely related families, Warlords - Local leaders of armed groups, Patrilineal - Male centered society, Oracle Bones - Name of what the Chinese used to first write on, Yellow River - Nickname of the Huang He river, Legalism - Philosophy that believed humans were evil by nature, Dike - Protective wall that holds back water, Civil Service - System where a group of people carry out the work of the government, Daoism - The philosophy that believed in letting nature take its course, Dynastic Cycle - The rise and fall of Chinese dynasties, The Analects - The selected saying of Confucius, Himalayan mountains - The southern border of China, Currency - Type of money, Huang He - What is the name of the river where the first Chinese civilization developed, Loess - Yellow-brown soil, philosophy - A system of beliefs and values, silk - A valuable cloth originally made only in China, silk road - Ancient trade route between China and Europe, historical record - Book written by Sima Qian, Shang dynasty - China's first civilization, Shi Huangdi - China's first emperor, Confucius - China's first teacher, Zhou dynasty - China's longest lasting dynasty, Terracotta warriors - Clay soldiers, Han dynasty - Dynasty led by the Liu Bang, Qin dynasty - Dynasty that began building the Great Wall,
Ancient China Match Up
6th Grade
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