You can post an ____ on the internet if you have something to sell or a job to advertise. My teacher taught me how to ____, subtract, multiply, and divide. An ____ is a small, social insect that lives in a colony. Cousin Pepe's mom is my ____, not my uncle. She put the diaper on the baby's ____, or naked, bottom. A polar ____ has thick, white fur to keep it warm and hidden in the cold, snowy weather. A ____ is a weapon used to shoot arrows through the air. Be sure to cut the ribbon long enough to tie into a ____. My mom put her foot on the ____ to slow down the car. I always try to follow the rules, not ____ them! Pablo earned money to ____, or get, a game. My dog likes to sit ____ my side, or beside me. I ____ my eyes when I sleep. When recess is over, it is ____ to lunch time. If you ____ a choir, you direct or lead it. Unsportsmanlike ____ in football results in a penalty. The duck ____ under the water and disappeared A ____ is a small pigeon, a group of birds with short necks, stout bodies, and short, thin bills. A ____ is an instrument that people play by hitting it. Please don't ____, or beat, the pots and pans together.
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