FACT: Bread is made from flour, There are 12 months in a year., Spiders have eight legs., The sun rises in the east and sets in the west., Dogs bark., Apples and oranges are types of fruit., We live in the United States., The earth revolves around the sun., Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit., There are 12 inches in a foot., The President lives in Washington, D.C., Elephants are bigger than dogs., Ketchup is made from tomatoes., Zebras have stripes., The sun is a star., George Washington was our first President., OPINION: Hamburgers are better than hotdogs., All children like to ride skateboards., Cats are the best pets., Everyone should eat pizza every day., Chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla ice cream., Spiders are scarier than snakes., It feels good to walk barefoot., Riding a bike is more fun than swimming., Green is the prettiest color., July is the best month of the year., Math is easier than reading., Being an airplane pilot is the hardest job., Cell phones are the greatest invention., Football should be played all year., Camping is not fun., Trucks are big and noisy.,
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