I / nails / do / right now. - I'm having my nails done right now., I / car / fix / next Saturday. - I'll have my car fixed next Saturday., Leslie / hair / wash and dye / last Monday. - Leslie had her hair washed and dyed last Monday., We / our garden / clean / gardener. - We have our garden cleaned by the gardner., We / house / paint / every 4 years. - We have our house painted every 4 years., We / office / clean / cleaning lady. - We have our office cleaned by the cleaning lady., We / grass / cut / every summer. - We have our grass cut every summer., The school principal / an elevator / install / last week. - The school principal had an elevator installed last week., We / our letters / deliver / postman. - We had our letters delivered by the postman., Mom / teeth / check / dentist. - Mom has her teeth checked by the dentist.,

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