dir - List files and directories, cd - Change working directory, .. - The folder above the current folder , ipconfig - Determine TCP/IP and network adapter information, ping - Test reachability, tracert - Determine the route a packet takes to a destination, netstat - Network statistics, nslookup - Lookup information from DNS servers, shutdown - Shutdown a computer, dism - Manage Windows Imaging Format (WIM) files, sfc - Scan integrity of all protected system files, chkdsk - Verifies the file system integrity of a volume and attempts to fix logical file system errors, diskpart - Manage disk configurations, taskkill - Terminate tasks by process id (PID) or image name, gpupdate - Force a Group Policy update, gpresult - Verify policy settings for a computer or user, format - Formats a disk for use with Windows, copy - Copy files from one location to another, xcopy - Copies files and directory trees, robocopy - A better Xcopy (win 7/8/8.1/10), net use - Connects/disconnect a computer from a shared resource, net user - make changes to the user accounts on a computer,
CompTIA A+ 1002, Microsoft command line tools (1.4)
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