Physiological needs: Jason is so hungry that he has trouble paying attention in class., Maria has to pee so badly that she runs straight into Mr. Lemieux, who is blocking the doorway, and doesn’t even stop to apologize or explain., Safety needs: Anders purposely fails four classes his senior year because he is afraid to live on his own after graduating from high school., Stephanie wants to see her friends in person, but sets up a Zoom call instead due to Covid., Belonging needs: Juan needs a ride to baseball practice, and Armando gives him a ride because he wants Juan to be his friend., Mark wants to be a teacher, but he becomes a doctor to please his parents., Esteem needs: David constantly insults his classmates because he wants to feel better about himself in comparison., Adele bursts out in song at least once a day during math class because she knows that even though she will get in trouble, people will be paying attention to her., Self-actualization: Jess, a 51-year-old upper-level manager at a sales firm, quits her $150,000 per year job to pursue a new career as an artist., Ella's job is easy, but she quits to seek a more challenging job in a more interesting field of work.,
Maslow's hierarchy of needs practice
Vocational / Technical
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