submit - If you'd like to attend Tri-County, you'll have to _____ an application and have an interview., imported - The North End Deli carries ______ goods from Italy, such as prosciutto and specialty pastas., missile - That pass was like a _____; the receiver barely had to look at the ball to catch it!, portable - In reality, today's phones are just small _____ computers., dismiss - Please do not pack up while I am teaching. When we are done, I will ______ you., transmit - We use satellites to ______ information all the time., porter - Being a hotel _____ must be hard work. Hopefully people tip well!, transport - Ice Road Truckers is a show about people who are brave enough to _____ goods to those living in or near the Arctic Circle. No thank you!, exports - I have the feeling our country imports more than it ______, but I could be wrong., deported - A friend of mine was ____ because his work visa ran out and, as a result, he was no longer allowed to stay in the country., support - I hope you will ____ my campaign; I'm running for president of Student Council., portfolio - We got a late start because the attorney arrived early but forgot his ____ back at the office., mission - As of now your only _____ is to find me some scented pine cones for my centerpiece!, portage - In some parts of the world, supplies are transported over a _____ in areas where lakes and rivers do not connect., omit - If you ____ parts of your testimony at a trial, you can be jailed for "contempt of court"., intermission - I would definitely use the restroom during ____; the second half could be a long one if you don't!, emit - Some candles ______ such a strong odor that people get headaches from them., admit - My ticket says "_____ one" for the new Avengers movie coming out next week., report - Have fun at the game. Pay attention- I want a full _____ when you get back!, remit - My electric bill requests that I ______ payment by December 25th.,

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