to bring somebody up - to take care of a child until he or she becomes an adult, to grow up - to change from being a baby or young child to being an older child or adult, to put up with something - to tolerate or accept unpleasant behaviour by someone without complaining, to tell somebody off - to criticize someone angrily for doing something wrong, to look up to somebody - to admire and respect someone, to let somebody down - to make someone disapointed, to fall for someone - fall in love with someone, to fall out with someone - stop being friendly with someone because you have had an argument or disagreement with them, to get on with someone - have a good relationship with someone, to get over someone - start to forget someone and feel happy again after a relationship has ended, to get out with someone - have a romantic relationship with someone, to let someone down - disapoint, to sort out a problem - deal with a problem, to split up with someone - end a romantic relationship with someone, to turn to someone - go to someone for help,

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