Baste - to spoon pan juices, melted fat, or another liquid over the surface of food during cooking to keep the food moist and add flavor, Beat - to mix ingredients together with a circular up and down motion using a spoon, whisk, rotary or electric beater, Blend - to stir ingredients until they are thoroughly combined, Bread - to coat with dry bread or cracker crumbs, Brown - to turn the surface of a food brown by placing it under a broiler or quickly cooking it in hot fat, Chill - to make food cold by placing it in a refrigerator or in a bowl over crushed ice, Chop - to cut into small pieces, Cool - to let food stand until it no longer feels warm to the touch, Core - to remove the center part of a fruit such as an apple or pineapple, Cube - to cut into small squares of equal size, Dice - to cut into very small cubes of even size, Drain - to remove liquid from a food product, Dredge - to coat a food by sprinkling it with or dripping it in a dry ingredients such as flour or bread crumbs, Flake - to break fish into small pieces with a fork, Fold - to incorporate a delicate mixture into a thicker, heavier mixture with a whisk or rubber spatula using a down, up, and over motion so the finished product remains ligh, Grate - to reduce a food into small bits by rubbing it on the sharpen teeth of a utensil, Knead - to work a dough by pressing it with the heels of the hand, folding it, turning it, and repeating each motion until the dough is smooth and elastic, Marinate - to soak meat in a solution containing an acid, such as vinegar or tomato juice, that helps tenderize the connective tissue, Mash - to break a food by pressing it with the back of a spoon, a masher, or forcing it through a ricer, Peel - to remove the outer layer, Preheat - to heat an appliance to a desired temperature about 5 to 8 minutes before it is to be used, Roll - to shape into a round mass; to wrap a flat, flexible piece of food around on itself; to flatten dough to an even thickenss with a rolling, Score - to make small, shallow cuts on the surface of a food, Season - to add herbs, spices, or other ingredients to food to increase the flavor of the food; to prepare a cooking utensil, such as a cast iron skillet, for cooking, Shred - to cut or break into thin pieces, Sift - to put through a sieve to reduce to finer particles, Strain - to separate solid from liquid materials, Toss - to mix lightly, Vent - to leave an opening through which steam can escape in the covering of a food to be cooked in a microwave, Whip - to beat quickly and steadily by hand with a whisk or rotary beater,
Food Preparation Techniques
8th Grade
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