theatre - a place where you can see plays, restaurant - an expensive place where you can order food, stadium - a place whereyou can do athletics, museum - a place where you can see historical things, art gallery - a place where you can see paintings, swimming pool - a place where you can swim, cafe - a cheap place where you can order food, cinema - a place where you can see new films, hotel - a place where you pay for a room to sleep, supermarket - a place where you can buy food for home, bank - a place where you can get money, bus stop - a place where you wait for a bus, train station - a place where you get on a train, sports centre - a place where people do different sports, park - a place with many trees, shopping centre - a place where you can buy different things, gym - a place where you can do sport, hairdresser's - a place where you can cut your hair, hospital - a place where you see a doctor, library - a place where you read books,
Places in a city
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