Ball and socket - Joint at the shoulder and hip that allows all movements., Pivot - Joint at the neck that allows rotation., Adduction - Movement of a limb towards the body, e.g. hands together in a dive., Cartilage - Tissue that prevents wear and tear on bones., Extension - Movement where the angle between two bones is increased, e.g. follow through when kicking a ball., Abduction - Movement of a limb away from the body, e.g. splits., Circumduction - A circular movement of a limb, e.g. overarm tennis serve., Hinge - Joint at the elbow and knee that allows flexion and extension., Rotation - A circular movement of a limb around a fixed joint, e.g. a drive in golf., Tendon - Fibrous tissue that attaches muscle to bone., Flexion - Movement where the angle between two bones is reduced, e.g. a bicep curl., Ligament - Tissue that attaches bone to bone.,

Skeletal system - Joints and movement

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