Name 3 Italian dishes, How do you say in Italian: "how do you write it?", Answer the greeting: Buonasera! Come sta?, Name 3 famous Italians, In pairs. Ask each other where you are from, and answer the question, Present tense: Io _______________ (chiamarsi) Luca, e tu come _______________ (chiamarsi)?, Read out these words: cuoco, cellulare, cinema, chiamarsi, How do you say in Italian: "what does it mean?" , Spell these names (one each): Bevilacqua, Sorrentino, Count from 10 to 20, Una/ uno/ un/ un': _____ ufficio; ______ commessa; _______ studio fotografico; ______ attrice, Nationalities: someone from France is.... . Someone from Spain is.... . Someone from Germany is.... ., A/ in/ di: Siamo _____ Roma, ma abitiamo _____ Brighton _____ Inghilterra, In pairs. Ask your partner what their phone number is. Your partner answers the question, Introduce your new Italian friend to your partner, Il/ lo/ la/ l'? _______ sport; ________ amica; ___________ cellulare, In pairs. Ask your partner what their job is. Your partner answers the question, Read out these numbers: 21 - 32 - 78 - 100, In pairs. Ask your partner how old they are. Your partner answers the question., You're at a bar in Italy. Create a short dialogue, where one person orders breakfast and the other person serves them.
Gioco di ripasso A1.1
Adult education
Italiano L2
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