wind vane - a tool that shows wind direction, weather instruments - tools used for recording various aspects of the weather, weather pattern - similar weather for certain number of days, temperature - how hot or cold something is, regional - affecting a particular region, rain gauge - a tool that measures the amount of rain at a location, precipitation - rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from clouds in the sky, measure - to determine the amount or size of something, map - a drawing or picture that shows important features in an area, predict - to tell about in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge, barometer - a tool for measuring atmospheric pressure, interpret - to explain the meaning of, climate - average weather conditions for a region year after year, anemometer - a tool used to measure the speed of wind, cirrus - high, thin, wispy fair-weather clouds, cumulus - large, fluffy, white clouds that look like cotton balls; fair-weather, cumulonimbus - large, full, dark, gray; likely to produce rain and hail, stratus - low, layered, smooth bad weather clouds, hygrometer - measures relative humidity, thermometer - measures temperature,
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