It was a < VERY COLD > ____ day. However, the sky was < VERY BEAUTIFUL > ____ and < VERY CLEAN > ____ - without a single cloud. It is < VERY HOT > ____ in this part of Europe in the summer. Because of such heat, all people are mainly < VERY TIRED > ____ and can only go back to their usual activities either early in the morning or late in the evening. After running in the rain we were < VERY WET > ____ and < VERY DIRTY > ____. The Acropolis of Athens is a < VERY OLD > ____ citadel located on a rocky outcrop above the city of Athens and contains the remains of several buildings of < VERY BIG > ____ architectural and historical significance, This book tells a < VERY INTERESTING > ____ story of a < VERY CLEVER > ____ boy fighting with < VERY UGLY > ____ monsters.

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