Good Idea: Students get started on activity while teacher takes attendance, Students move smoothly between group activities, Teacher has an established timing device, such as counting down to signal students, Teacher has an established attention signal, One member of each group collects materials for the table, small groups students have established roles, listen to one another, Clear expectations/schedules for students and paraprofessionals, Differentiated grouping (independent, 1:1, small groups) throughout all subjects within each period, All students working on the same skill, Bad Idea: Students play in iPads with no direction, All student groups are done by lottery, No clocks or time keeping in the classroom, Multiple students have the same job in a group, Instead of moving smoothly, drink a smoothie, Conversation is discouraged at all times, Materials prepped for SOME of the activities., Work only with Grimmace,

Managing Classroom Procedures


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