organisms - plants or animals including ones so small you can't see them without a microscope, resources - things such as land, minerals, plants & animals that people have available to them & can use to meet their needs, balance - a situation in which all the parts are equal in strength or importance, appear - to become visible or come into sight, scientific - things that relate to science, process - a series of actions that have a particular result, alternatively - something that is different from what has just been said, approximate - very close but not exactly the same as a certain number or thing, characteristic - a feature or quality typical of a person, place, or thing, properties - characteristics or qualities typical of a place, object or group of objects, abundant - present in large quatities, determine - to discover a fact as a result of an investigation, dependent - needing someone or something in order to succeed or survive, capable - able to do something, gracious - polite or considerate, pre - before, ity - state or quality of, able, ible - able to be, mis - wrong, not, or - person connected with,
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