True: The main organ of the reproductive system in females is the ovaries, The main organ in the respiratory system is the lungs, The main organ of the nervous system is the brain, The heart is the main organ in the circulatory system, The stomach is the main organ in the digestive system , The largest organ of the body is the skin , The human body has 2 kidneys, The digestive system is in charge of breaking down food into substances to be used by the body, The Kidneys are the filters of the body, The heart is responsible for pumping blood to all parts of the body, False: The main reproductive organ in females are the kidneys , The main organ in the respiratory system is the gallbladder , The main organ of the nervous system is the kidney, The heart is the main organ in the digestive system , The esophagus is the main organ in the digestive system , The largest organ of the body is the hair, Humans need both kidneys to stay alive , The digestive system is in charge of filtering blood and urine , The body can function effectively without the brain, If we don't take care of our bodies, we can live a long and healthy life,
Organ systems
Form 4 - 5
Grade 4-6
body functions
Macmillan Education
OECS Standards
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