1) In a VCV word, your first choice is a) V/CV with the first vowel LONG b) VC/V with the first vowel SHORT 2) c and g say their soft sound before a) a, o, and u b) i, e, and y 3) Which closes the vowel? a) dge b) ge 4) Which comes after a consonant, VV, or naming vowel? a) dge b) ge 5) Which comes after an n or a naming vowel? a) ce b) se 6) Which comes after most consonants or a VV? a) ce b) se 7) A final, ACCENTED y says a) /E/ b) /I/ 8) A final, UNaccented y says a) /E/ b) /I/ 9) When an i or an o are followed by two consonants (wild, old), they say their a) long sound b) short sound 10) When adding a VOWEL suffix, you DOUBLE the final consonant if the baseword has a) 1-syllable b) 2+-syllables c) 1 vowel d) 2+ vowels e) 1 consonant after vowel f) 2 consonants after vowel 11) When a baseword ends in a silent e, you drop the e when adding a) any suffix b) a vowel suffix 12) In an open, UNaccented syllable, i says a) /i/ b) /I/ c) /u/ 13) In an open, UNaccented syllable, a says a) /a/ b) /A/ c) /u/ 14) In an UNaccented syllable, or says a) /ar/ b) /er/ c) /or/ 15) In an UNaccented syllable, ar says a) /ar/ b) /er/ c) /or/ 16) When followed by an r or a vowel, AR and ER sound like a) /ar/ b) /er/ c) /air/
Level 4 Review
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