1) What is an inference or what does it mean to infer? a) A wild guess b) It is a fact in the sentence or story. c) Use sentence clues, your own knowledge, and logic to make a deduction or conclusion. 2) “Does the chili have any meat in it?” the woman asked. “No,” answered the waiter. “I’ll have chili, then.” The waiter was disappointed, since chili was one of the restaurant’s least expensive items. “The lobster special is delicious,” he suggested, “and healthy.” The woman shook her head and responded, “Not for the lobster.” a) The woman is a vegetarian. b) The woman is allergic to seafood. c) The woman is wealthy. 3) “Does the chili have any meat in it?” the woman asked. “No,” answered the waiter. “I’ll have chili, then.” The waiter was disappointed, since chili was one of the restaurant’s least expensive items. “The lobster special is delicious,” he suggested, “and healthy.” The woman shook her head and responded, “Not for the lobster. a) The waiter is having a busy night. b) The woman is on a tight budget. c) The waiter was hoping to get a larger tip for a more expensive meal. 4) Most animals don’t eat moss. It is hard to digest, and it has little nutritional value. This is also true of reindeer during the warmer months. But during the winter, reindeer fill up with lots of moss, which their stomach enzymes are able to break down for energy a) Reindeer like the taste of moss. b) There is not much food in the winter, so reindeer eat moss. c) Reindeer do not come out in warmer months 5) According to one respected study on disease transmission, there are about 185,000 bacteria on an average restaurant menu—more than 100 times as many bacteria than on a typical toilet seat. a) People should avoid using public bathrooms  b) Menus are probably hardly ever cleaned. c) Toilets are clean. 6) Infer what the boy was doing. a) sleeping b) reading c) He did not feel well. 7) Dark colors tend to absorb light energy. Light colors and white reflect light energy. That's why you feel warmer wearing a dark-colored jacket than a light-colored one. When sunlight shines on your dark jacket, the fabric absorbs light energy. a) Most people should own a jacket. b) If you feel chilly, wear a dark colored clothing. 8) At the funeral of a billionaire, a mourner was crying more loudly than anyone else. Someone approached him and asked, “Are you a relative?” "No!" he answered. "Then why are you crying? "That's why I'm crying!" a) He never got to meet the billionaire. b) He was affected by the crying of the other mourners. c) He is upset he's not a relative, because he would probably inherit a great deal of money. 9) The goal of our lives must be to reach out in kindness, love, and care.We must change the world by our relationships with others—that will be our immortality. We will not be remembered for our job or financial success. There is no gravestone that says, “Effective Boss” or “A Multimillionaire.” Hopefully our grave will have words such as “Loving Father” or “Devoted Daughter” or “Caring Husband” or “Beloved Sister.” a) Financial success and jobs should be a priority. b) Relationships are more important than financial success. c) Gravestone words are important. 10) What does this picture infer? a) The girl wishes her father would spend time with her b) It is raining outside.  c) The father just got a new computer 11) What can you infer about the cat? a) The cat is very concerned about his owner b) The cat is more concerned about eating . c) The cat is orange.

Making Inferences

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