Have you ever____(buy) or (sell) something on Avito? What____ you ___(buy/sell)? How much ___ it___(cost?), Have you ever____(buy) something online and had a problem with it? What was it? What____you ____(do)?, Have you ever______(lose) a credit card or your wallet? Where____ you ___(lose) it? ____ you ____(get) it back?, Have you ever______(raise) money for charity? Hom much money ___ you ___ (raise?), Have you ever ___(save) for something for a long time? What ____(be) it?, Have you ever ____(waste) money on something you have never used? What ___(be) it? , Have you ever ___(win) money? (for example - in a lottery) How much ____you___(win)?, Have you ever___(lend) money to someone who didn't pay you back? Who___(be) it? , Have you ever ____(take) a mortgage? ___you ___ (pay) it back? , Have you ever ____ (be) charged too much in a restaurant? How much ___ (they)___(charge) you? .

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