depressed - to feel unhappiness; feeling down and hopeless, relieved - no longer feeling distressed or nervous, light-hearted - free of trouble or worry, a simple feeling of happiness, envious - to feel jealous, wanting what another person has, tense - to feel nervous or scared about something, somber - to feel serious and gloomy, lethargic - to feel no energy, not wanting to move, irritated - to feel angry or annoyed about something, tone - reflected the author's or speaker's attitude toward the subject, mood - refers to the reader's or audience's emotion after reading a piece of literature, watching a video or listening to music, indifferent - not concerned about what will happen, sympathetic - to feel compassion toward another person, greedy - to be very selfish, funny - something that causes laughter or amusement, nostalgic - yearning for a happiness felt in the past, embarrassed - to feel awkward or self-conscious about something that happened, pessimistic - to expect an unfavorable outcome, optimistic - to expect a favorable outcome,
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