Plot - what happens in the story; the sequence of events, Characters - who the story is about, Setting - when and where the story takes place, Theme - the message or lesson the author wants you to learn, Conflict - the problem in the story, Exposition - background information; introduction to the story, Rising Action - events and action that move along the story; problem begins to build, Climax - turning point of story; most exciting problem, Falling Action - events that lead to the problem being resolved, Resolution - end of story; problem is solved, Protagonist - main character in the story, Antagonist - character that creates conflict, 1st Person POV - main character telling story; I, me, my, us pronouns, 2nd Person POV - talks directly to the reader; you, your, yours, 3rd Person POV - narrator tells story; he, she, they, etc., Internal Conflict - conflict that takes place inside a character's mind or heart, External Conflict - conflict that takes place between the character and an outside force (person, thing, nature, etc.), Fable - short stories with personified animals, teach a moral or lesson, Fairytale - story that takes place in a magical land ruled by royalty, contains good vs. evil and has a happy ending, Tall Tale - Stories with unbelievable exaggerations, told as truth, meant to be funny, Legend - stories that have some connection to a historical event, Myths - stories that explain something about the world or how something came to be, Folktale - fiction story that has been passed down from generation to generation, Inference - using what we know in combination with text evidence to decide what author is trying to telling us,
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