velocity - speed in a direction, force - a push or pull, contact force - a direct push or pull, non-contact force - a push or pull interaction between two objects that are not touching, magnetism - a force caused by separation of charges at the north and south pole of a magnet, gravity - a force exerted by any object, resulting in more pull when the object has more mass. Pulls objects towards each other., friction - a force caused by two objects rubbing together, normal - because every action has an equal but opposite reaction, this is the force opposite of gravity, balanced - when two forces are working in equal and opposite directions, resulting in no movement, unbalanced - when forces result in movement due to net force > 0N, Newton - the unit for force, Joule - the unit for energy, free body diagram - a drawing showing the direction and strength of all forces acting on an object, applied - a force on an object by a person or another object, inertia - tendency of an object to resist change in its motion. , elastic - type of potential energy due to stretching or compression, kinetic - energy of motion based on mass and speed, potential - energy of position, drag - air resistance force , net - the sum of all the forces acting on an object, Acceleration - occurs when Net force > 0N and forces are unbalanced,
Forces and Energy Crossword
8th Grade
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