What’s your favorite food?, What do you like to do the most?, What is your favorite video game?, What is your favorite season and why?, What makes you laugh the most?, What is one thing you can't live without?, What is your favorite holiday?, What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?, What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?, If you had to live a week without internet, what will you do to keep yourself busy?, What is your favorite subject in school and why?, What’s something positive that happened to you today or this week?, What did you do this summer?, What do you want to learn this school year?, What’s your favorite restaurant?, What’s the first thing you’re going to do post-quarantine?, When is your birthday?, What is your favorite boardgame?, Tell me about your family?, What is your least favorite subject in school and why?.
Getting To Know You
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2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
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