1) What are personality traits? a) Actions, attitudes, and behaviors that define a person’s character b) Occurring within the individual mind or self c) interactions with others 2) What are interpersonal traits? a) interactions with others b) Actions, attitudes, and behaviors that define a person’s character c) Occurring within the individual mind or self 3) What are intrapersonal traits? a) interactions with others b) Occurring within the individual mind or self 4) What is a habit? a) something that happens after practice only b) Something you do over and over again c) something you should aspire to do 5) What is a discovery? a) The creation of a new device, product, or process. b) Something previously unseen or unknown 6) What is an invention? a) The creation of a new device, product, or process. b) Something previously unseen or unknown c) Something you do over and over again d) An improvement to an idea, process or invention that already exists 7) What is an innovation? a) Something previously unseen or unknown b) The creation of a new device, product, or process. c) An improvement to an idea, process or invention that already exists 8) What does the acronym SCAMPER help us to do? a) a set of idea-triggering questions that assist with brainstorming and creativity b) it helps us develop healthy habits c) it helps us shift paradigms 9) What is divergent thinking? a) Thinking that focuses on coming up with 1, widely accepted answer. b) Thinking that explores many possible solutions 10) What is convergent thinking? a) Thinking that focuses on coming up with 1, widely accepted answer. b) Thinking that explores many possible solutions 11) What does the S in SCAMPER stand for? a) sell b) substitute c) share 12) What does the A in SCAMPER stand for? a) add b) adapt c) attribute 13) What does the E in SCAMPER stand for? a) eliminate b) evolve c) educate 14) What does it mean to extrapolate? a) share your guesses with a friend or classmate b) take a random guess c) predict future outcomes based on facts and observations 15) In the lesson, Ahead of the Curve, what was the name of our town? a) Alpscity b) Alpstopia c) Alpstown 16) What is the definition of a fad? a) an item that has been popular for decades b) a general direction of gradual change over time c) idea, item or activity that becomes very popular, over a large population, and comes and goes quickly 17) What is the definition of a trend? a) a general direction of gradual change over time b) idea, item or activity that becomes very popular, over a large population, and comes and goes quickly 18) What is a paradigm? a) A pattern (or set of rules) that serves as a standard of thought b) The ability to adjust or change to new conditions. 19) What does it mean to be resilient? a) certain to happen; unavoidable b) when you change from one set of rules to another c) the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness 20) When we did the lesson, Who Moved my Cheese, we said that "Change is...." a) hard b) inevitable c) always positive 21) The Butterfly Effect lesson stated that "One small thing..." a) can make or break your good fortune b) can cause a big change somewhere else 22) What does the iceberg model of culture tell us? a) the top of the iceberg is invisible b) the bottom of the iceberg is the invisible portion 23) What is an example of visible culture? a) religion b) clothing and accessories c) fears and beliefs 24) What is an example of invisible culture? a) view on education b) food and dress 25) What is an NPO? a) non party outfit b) non profit organization c) non profit outreach d) no people outside 26) What do NPOs do? a) they help raise money for organizations such as environmental or animal groups b) they help get people elected to political office c) they help raise money for big businesses 27) What does plausible mean? a) within the realm of possibility b) never going to happen 28) A genre of fiction in which the stories tell about the science and technology of the future based on current knowledge of science- what already exists. a) science fiction b) popular fiction c) technology fiction 29) What does it mean to archive something? a) to throw away b) to store for historical documentation c) to sell an old document 30) Which region in Alpstopia relied on farming and government help? a) Authoros b) Loyaltropolis c) Poveros d) Supermos 31) Which region in Alpstopia wanted full control of their radio and newspaper? a) Authoros b) Loyaltropolis c) Poveros d) Supremos 32) Which region in Alpsotpia had the smallest population but the most money? a) Authoros b) Poveros c) Loyaltropolis d) Supremos 33) Which region in Alpstopia was most loyal to Authoros? a) Supremos b) Loyaltropolis c) Poveros d) Authoros 34) How do you spell your teacher's name? a) Ms. Kauitzch b) Ms. Couch c) Ms. Kauitzsch d) Ms. Kauitsch 35) What was the theme for this GT school year? a) Horizons b) Sunsets c) Borders
GT Horizons 2021-2022
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