First Aid - The temporary care given to an ill or injured person until professional help arrives., Citizen Responder - A person who recognizes and emergency situation, activates EMS and provides care until professional help arrives., Good Samaritan Law - Helps rescuers from being sued and developed to encourage others to help., Medical Emergency - A situation in which someone can suffer major harm or die unless help is received quickly., EMS - A network of community resources, and medical personnel that provides emergency care to victims of injury or sudden illness., Universal Precautions - Using personal protective equipment to reduce the risk of spreading communicable diseases while giving first., Shock - A critical condition brought on by the sudden drop in blood flow through the body, Shock Symptoms - Pale or ashen skin, bluish tinge to fingernails, enlarged pupils, weakness, Poisoning - An injury or death due to swallowing, inhaling, touching or injecting various drugs, chemicals, venoms or gases., 800-222-1222 - U.S. poison control center hotline, Poison Symptoms - Burns around the mouth, vomiting, confusion, breath that smells like chemicals.,
*First Aid Review- Matching
6th Grade
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