advance - a movement forward, especially by an army, retreat - to move away from the enemy, especially to avoid fighting, capture - to catch someone and make them your prisoner, release - to allow a prisoner to be free, warrior - a person who has experience and skill in fighting in a war, especially in the past, civilian - someone who is not a member of a military organization or the police, loyalist - a person or group that strongly supports the government or ruler in power, rebel - a person who is opposed to the political system in their country and tries to change it using force, casualty - a person injured or killed in a serious accident or war, the wounded - injured people in the fighting, ally - a country that has agreed officially to give help and support to another one, especially during a war, truce - a short interruption in a war or argument, or an agreement to stop fighting or arguing for a period of time, ceasefire - an agreement, usually between two armies, to stop fighting in order to allow discussions about peace,
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