colonizer - an individual or entity that establishes a colony or colonies, such as a country, that takes control of a people and area against their will, conquistador - Spanish for “conqueror” - any of the Spanish colonizers in the Americas, galleon - a large Spanish trading ship, enslaved - people who are owned by force by other people and are forced to work for them with no pay or rights, genocide - the planned and organized killing of a group of people because of their race, religion, ethnicity (culture), or nationality, peninsula - land that has water almost all around it, colony - a settlement that is ruled by a faraway government, mission - a religious settlement, missionary - a person who teaches (forces) their religion to others, expedition - a journey into an area to learn more about it, presidio - a Spanish fort, pueblo - a farming community in Spanish California, alcalde - a mayor of a town in Spanish California, plaza - an open square where people can gather, timeline - a chronological arrangement of events in the order of their occurrence, decade - a period of ten (10) years, century - a period of one hundred (100) years, El Camino Real - a 600-mile route connecting the 21 Spanish missions in California, revolt - to fight against, neophyte - people who are new to the Catholic faith, economy - the way people in a place or region use resources to meet their needs, custom - an act that a group of people perform in the same way, such as celebrating an event,
Colonization of California - Vocabulary
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