Where do you like to go on holiday?, What do you like to do in your free time?, What time does the school finish?, What time does the Math class start?, How often do you go shopping?, How often do you go to the park?, How often do you cut your hair?, What do you usually have for lunch?, What do you do to relax in the evenings?, What kind of music do you like?, How many brothers and sisters do you have?, How often do you practice English outside the classroom?, What time do you go to bed?, Do you sleep with your eyes open?, Does your mom watches TV in the evenings?, Do you like to go to clubs?, Do you drink coffee?, Do you practice a sport?, Does your friend like the same music as you?, Do you like the English classes?, Where does your mom/dad work?, Do you ever go to baseball games?, Do you watch anime?, What series on Netflix do you recomend?, What type of food do you like?, Do you watch videos on YouTube?, Do you work?, Where do you want to work?, What color do you like?, Do you have pets?.
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