Anxiety - A state of emotional and physical arousal. It is characterised by emotions including worried thoughts and feelings of tension. Physical changes include increase of HR and sweating, Weapon focus - A way of explaining why high anxiety causes low recall., Johnson and Scott: Method - Lab study involving a pen, a knife, blood and either a heated argument or casual conversation. Ps then picked out the man from 50 photos, Johnson and Scott: Findings - 49%could identify man in low anxiety condition, 33% in high. , Tunnel theory - People have better memory for central events, helps explain weapon focus, Yuille and Cutshall: Method - Study of an actual shooting. EW rated their level of anxiety on a self report scale. 4-5 months afterwards , Yuille and Cutshall: Findings - Those rated with high anxiety had 88% accuracy, low 75%, Yerkes - Dodson Law / Inverted U hypothesis - Used to explain why moderate levels of anxiety may produce the best recall,

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