identify with sb - to feel that you are similar to someone in some way and that you can understand that person or their situation because of this, evocative descriptions - making you remember or imagine something pleasant, fast-paced - happening very quickly, a real page-turner - a book that is so exciting that you want to read it quickly, red herrings - a clue or piece of information which is intended to be misleading or distracting, the plot hinges on - the plot focuses on, nail-biting - makes you feel very excited or nervous because you do not know how it is going to end., a macabre joke - frightening or unpleasant, and usually involving death, decay, or violence, a poignant tragedy - giving you feelings of sadness, a predictable story - happens in a way that you know about before it happens, this film is rather shallow - not showing serious or careful thought, a tedious book - boring, a thought-provoking book - making you think a lot about a subject, a convincing ending - able to make you believe that something is true or right, a lightweight comedy - not serious, lighthearted section of the book / theme - funny and not intended to be serious, a touching story - it causes feelings of sadness or sympathy, a bookworm - a person excessively devoted to reading,
Books - adjectives (upper Solutions)
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