Mayflower Compact - Written by the Pilgrims and first example of self-government in America., Virginia House of Burgesses - 1st representative assembly or legislature in North America., Magna Carta - English charter which limited the power of the king and guaranteed Englishmen the right to a trial by jury (idea of due process)., Fundamental Orders of Connecticut - 1st written Constitution in America which provided a detailed plan for government and extended voting rights to non-church members., English Bill of Rights - Provided Englishmen with protection of basic rights such as trial by jury and freedom of speech., Great Awakening - Religious revival from the 1720s-1740s which encouraged people to return to church, Enlightenment - Intellectual movement which emphasized the importance of science and reason to improve society, John Locke - English philosopher who believed that people had natural rights to life, liberty, and property, Social Contract - Idea that governments derive their power from the consent of the governed and that governments exist to protect the rights of the people., Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield - Leaders of the Great Awakening, Effects of the Great Awakening - Creation of new universities, development of new religious groups, a willingness to challenge authority, Anne Bradstreet - Puritan woman considered to be the first American poet., Benjamin Franklin - Printer, publisher, scientist and author of Poor Richard's Almanac, Phillis Wheatley - Slave and poet who became famous for her poem on the death of George Whitefield. Her poetry focused on the theme of Christian salvation., Religious toleration - Recognizing that people have a right to practice their own faiths, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians - Religious groups that developed as a result of the Great Awakening,
Representative Government & Colonial Culture
8th Grade
Social studies
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