Sentence 1: The importance of mastering the skill of essay structuring is significant., Sentence 2: Support for this point is provided by Smith (2001), who states that students’ writing often “meanders in a directionless manner” (p.47) and that, as a result, the points that students make lack clarity and purpose., Sentence 3: In elaboration of Smith’s idea, it can be assumed that clarity in writing is achieved when the student’s writing manages to convey, without doubt and confusion, a distinct point or idea., Sentence 4: As conceptual clarification, it could be said that purposeful writing comprises a series of distinct points, each of which has a particular role to play as part of the student’s response to the essay question; to ensure that each point made by the student has a purposeful role to play, the student must have an understanding of, and the ability to apply to his or her own writing, recognised and accepted essay structures., Sentence 5: In conclusion, knowing how to structure an essay is likely to ensure that a student’s writing has a clear trajectory and, for this reason, the importance of acquiring this core essay-writing skill should be considered significant.,

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