check out - When you leave the hotel to go home, check in - When you arrive at the hotel you do this first, lobby - The first place you see in the hotel, wake up call - If you need to get up early in the morning, guest - The people who stay at a hotel, towel - Use this after a shower, bathroom - Every hotel room has this for private use, porter - The person to help with your bags, receptionist - The person to help you check in, front desk - The receptionists work here, double room - A room with a bed for a married couples, single room - A room with a bed for one person, twin room - A room with two separate beds, housekeeper - The person to clean and take care of your room, room service - To have something delivered to your room, keycard - Electronically gives you access to your room, vacancy - When there are available rooms, floor - The different levels in a building, fully booked - There are no rooms available, room number - Use this to identify your room,
Hotel Vocabulary (definitions)
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