1) apotheosis a) the direct opposite b) firm dislike c) perfect example of something d) something out of place in time or history e) an official pardon to a violation of law/policy f) agreeable; willing to give into another's wishes 2) antipathy a) agreeable; willing to give into another's wishes b) perfect example of something c) an official pardon to a violation of law/policy d) firm dislike e) the direct opposite f) selflessness, generosity 3) amnesty a) agreeable; willing to give into another's wishes b) an official pardon to a violation of law/policy c) selflessness, generosity d) perfect example of something e) firm dislike f) the direct opposite 4) anachronism a) agreeable; willing to give into another's wishes b) firm dislike c) something out of place in time/history d) the direct opposite e) an official pardon to a violation of law/policy f) selflessness, generosity 5) antithesis a) the direct opposite b) agreeable; willing to give into another's wishes c) something out of place in time/history d) selflessness, generosity e) firm dislike f) perfect example of something 6) amenable a) something out of place in time/history b) firm dislike c) selflessness, generosity d) sympathy attraction e) agreeable; willing to give into another's wishes f) sum total; a collection of things mixed together 7) affinity a) agreeable; willing to give into another's wishes b) sum total; a collection of things mixed together c) sympathy attraction d) something out of place in time/history e) a combination of two things, usually metal f) firm dislike 8) aggregate a) a combination of two things, usually metal b) sympathy attraction c) agreeable; willing to give into another's wishes d) sum total; a collection of things mixed together e) selflessness, generosity f) firm dislike 9) alloy a) something out of place in time/history b) sympathy attraction c) firm dislike d) sum total; a collection of things mixed together e) a combination of two things, usually metal f) selflessness, generosity 10) altruism a) firm dislike b) a combination of two things, usually metal c) greed d) sympathy attraction e) agreeable; willing to give into another's wishes f) selflessness, generosity 11) cacaphony a) to expand, flourish b) pleasant sounding c) harsh sounding; mixture of sounds d) approval, praise e) extremely old f) greed 12) approbation a) approval, praise b) to take in, to absorb; to learn thoroughly c) harsh sounding; mixture of sounds d) extremely old e) greed f) middle class, boring; conventional 13) burgeon a) to take in, to absorb; to learn thoroughly b) harsh sounding; mixture of sounds c) extremely old; outdated d) greed e) middle class, boring; conventional f) to expand, flourish 14) archaic a) middle class, boring; conventional b) to expand, flourish c) extremely old; outdated d) to take in, to absorb; to learn thoroughly e) greed f) approval, praise 15) bourgeois a) to expand, flourish b) to take in, to absorb; to learn thoroughly c) down and out d) extremely old; outdated e) middle class, boring; conventional f) upper class, exciting 16) assimilate a) to expand, flourish b) approval, praise c) to take in, to absorb; to learn thoroughly d) an official pardon e) to recreate f) to be hated 17) avarice a) lust b) greed c) hatred d) to be envious e) a firm dislike f) pursuasive 18) attrition a) greed b) to add to c) a gradual wearing away; weakening or loss d) agreeable e) full of spite f) lost 19) autonomous a) group work b) to drive steadily c) lost and confused d) pursuasive e) willing to take a dare f) acting independently 20) archetype a) an original model or pattern b) last in a line c) to make an assumption d) to play it by ear e) a lost generation f) a challenge or aggressive move
Vocab 2 and 3 Seniors
12th Grade
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