I grew up in Oreon, - ... which is a town in northern Spain., I could introduce you to my friend Sarah, - ... who also works in the tech industry., That song reminds me of our road trip, - ... when we kept playing that album over and over again., We went by double decker bus, - ... which is something I’ve wanted to do for ages., It’s a special cinema, - ... where the seats actually move., I went to that new exhibition by David Yarrow, - ... whose photographs of wildlife are amazing., I bought a bag, - ... which was made by the locals., I had five cups of coffee, - ... which made it hard to get to sleep., We watched that new film with Lily James, We watched that new film with Lily James, - ... who is one of my favourite actors., I flew to London via Dubai, - ... where I had a five-hour stopover., This is Daria, - ... whose brother is my neighbour., I really enjoyed my birthday last year, - ... when we all went out to that Indian restaurant.,
Non-defining relative clauses
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