The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team?, What is your most used emoji?, What was the worst haircut you ever had?, If you were a wrestler what would be your entrance theme song?, If you were famous, what would you be famous for?, You have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick?, What was your least favorite food as a child? Do you still hate it or do you love it now?, If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life what would it be?, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000's: Which decade do you love the most and why?, What’s your favorite sandwich and why?, What is your favorite item you’ve bought this year?, If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?, What is your favorite magical or mythological animal?, Who is your favorite Disney hero or heroine? Would you trade places with them?, What sport would you compete in if you were in the Olympics?, You can have anyone fictional as your imaginary friend, who do you choose and why?, What’s your favorite tradition or holiday?, What breed of dog would you be?, What is your favorite dessert?, What is your cellphone wallpaper?.
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