nicer - comparative of nice , kinder - comparative of kind, the saddest - superlative of sad , the fastest - superlative of fast, the youngest - superlative of young , older - comparative of old , the nicest - superlative of nice , the kindest - superlative of kind, sadder - comparative of sad , faster - comparative of fast , younger - comparative of young , the oldest - superlative of old, shorter - comparative of short , the shortest - superlative of short , the most polite - superlative of polite , happier - comparative of happy, the tallest - superlative of tall, more beautiful - comparative of beautiful, more modern - comparative of modern, the happiest - superlative of happiest , taller - comparative of tall, more polite - comparative of polite , the most modern - superlative of modern , the most beautiful - superlative of beautiful , the largest - superlative of large , larger - comparative of large , the most difficult - superlative of difficult , more interesting - comparative of interesting , colder - comparative of cold , bigger - comparative of big ,
ADJECTIVES: comparative and superlative
6th Grade
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