What is your favorite color ?, How do you keep yourself motivated? , Has your mindset changed this year? , What's one song that you'll always remember the words to?, What challenges have you faced this year? , Do you do any volunteer work?, If you won a million dollars, what would you buy?, What hobby do you do that brings you joy ? , How does it feel to be in High School? , Who do you admire in your life and why?, What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?, If you could get rid of one food forever, what would it be and why?, What’s your nickname? Or if you don’t have one, what nickname would you create for yourself and why?, What’s your favorite quote and why?, If you were to write a book, what would it be about?, When do you want to graduate? , Who is your favorite superhero and why?, If you could be any flavor of ice cream, what would it be and why?, What do you find difficult about Virtual Learning ? , Do you like virtual learning or would you rather go back to school? , Is graduation important to you ? why or why not? .
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