Equality Act 2010 - Makes it unlawful to discriminate and treat individuals unfairly., Children Acts 1989, 2004 - Safeguards the welfare of children up to 18 years. Including those at risk of harm and abuse., Children and Social Work Act 2017 - Has amended the Children Act 2004 and has made changes to safeguarding arrangements for children and young people., Human Rights Act 1998 - Protects the rights of every person living in the UK., General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 - Protects the personal information or data of individuals that is used, stored and shared by organisisations, United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child 1992 - An international set of human rights for children and young people, Working Together to Safeguard Children 2013, 2015, 2018 - Provides guidance for adults working with children and families in England., Health and Social Care Act 2012 - Improves quality of care and support. Established the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG's), Care Act 2014 - Local authorities working together to protect adults at risk of abuse or neglect, Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Promotes the rights of individuals who are unable to make choices and decisions for themselves because they lack the capacity to do so., No Secrets 2000 - Implementation of policies and procedures that protect vulnerable adults from abuse and exposes any abuse, Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 - Protects workers that disclose concerns of abuse or harm with whistleblowing procedures, Modern Slavery Act 2015 - Makes slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking unlawful. , Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 - Makes FGM unlawful,
Safeguarding Legislation and Policy
Health and Social Care
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