sphenoid bone - bone that joins all of the bones of the cranium together, talus - one of three bones that make up the ankle joint; not the tibia or fibula, metacarpus - bones of the palms of the hand, zygomatic bones - bones that form the prominence of the cheeks, carpus - flexible joint made up of carpals held together by ligaments, sternocleidomastoideus - muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head, lacrimal bones - small, thin bones located at the front inner wall of the eye sockets, mandible - lower jawbone, tarsal - one of three subdivisions of the foot; not metatarsals or phalanges, epicranius - broad muscle that covers the top of the skull and consists of the occipitalis and frontalis, belly - middle part of a muscle, frontalis - muscle of the scalp that raises the eyebrows, draws the scalp forward, and causes wrinkles across the forehead, metatarsal - one of three subdivisions of the foot; not tarsals or phalanges, origin - part of the muscle that does not move; attached closest to the skeleton, ethmoid bone - light, spongy bone between the eye sockets, insertion - movable part of the muscle that is farthest from the skeleton,
Cosmetology Chapter 6 - Vocab 2
11th Grade
12th Grade
Vocational / Technical
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