What are the 3 groups of protozoans?, What are plankton, and what is the difference between the 2 types of Plankton?, Why are protozoans described as free living/parasitic?, What are trophozoites?, What is the difference between holozoic and saprozoic protozoans?, In protozoans, what are the 2 layers of the cytoplasm?, What kinds of mitochondria can protozoans contain?, What is a plasmalemma and cytosome?, What is the cytoproct in protozoans?, What are the 3 asexual reproductive mechanisms, and the 1 sexual reproductive mechanism for protists?, What are the 3 groups of Protozoans, and how exactly are these protozoans grouped?, What are the 3 mechanisms of locomotion for each group of Protozoans?, Describe and list some significant structures in Paramecium, What diseases do organisms under Entamoeba, Naegleria fowleri, and Acanthamoeba cause?, Give an example of an important organism under Apicomplexans. What disease does it cause?, What is the apical complex of an Apicomplexan?, What is a pellicle and stigma, and what kind of organism would you find them in?, What disease do T. brucei and T. cruzi cause?, List the types of algae mentioned in lecture., What is red algae the source for?, What are the functions of algae?, What are dinoflagellates and why are they harmful?, Why are algal blooms harmful?.

BIOL20 SI 10/19


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