town, city, village (big) - A city is the biggest. A town is bigger than a village, goldfish, gorilla, human (intelligent) - A human is the most intelligent. A gorilla is more intelligent than a goldfish., airplane, car, bicycle (fast) - An airplane is the fastest. A car is faster than a bicycle., adult, teenager, baby  (old) - An adult is the oldest. A teenager is older than a baby., diamond ring, gold ring, silver ring (expensive) - A diamond ring is the most expensive. A gold ring is more expensive than a silver ring, ocean, lake, stream (deep) - An ocean is the deepest. A lake is deeper than a stream., hour, day, week (long) - A week is the longest. A day is longer than an hour,

Comparatives and Superlatives

Papan Peringkat

Kartu lampu kilat adalah templat terbuka. Ini tidak menghasilkan skor untuk papan peringkat.

Gaya visual


Berganti templat

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