loop - a fingerprint pattern in which the ridge pattern flows inward and returns in the direction of the origin, Whorl - a fingerprint pattern that resembles a bull's-eye., minutiae - The combination of details in the shapes and positions of ridges in fingerprints that make each unique. Also called ridge characteristics., Tenprint Card - A form used to record and preserve fingerprints, latent prints - A hidden fingerprint made visible through the use of powders and other techniques, Patent prints - A visible fingerprint that happens when fingers with blood, or ink, or some other substance on them touch a surface and transfer the pattern of their fingerprint to that surface, plastic print - 3 dimensional prints on soft surfaces such as soap, wax, etc., Epidermis - Outer layer of skin on hands and feet, Dermis - Inner layer of skin on hands and feet, AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) - A fingerprint database system that allows fingerprint identification to be shared across the nation., Tented Arch, Plain Arch, Loop, Plain Whorl, Central Pocket Whorl, Double Loop, Accidental Whorl,
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